Blog 1: Taking a Risk

Published on 27 February 2025 at 08:07

"Make the practical choice. Make the right choice. Don't take a risk. You can't do that. You are not capable of that. Be wise and do what you know will pan out."


I had an aversion to taking risks.


These are the thoughts that I grew up with. I was taught not take risks but make wise decisions that had a sure outcome. To be fair, I don't think that was the goal. I think the desire was to be taught discernment and a level head in making decisions. It wasn't until recently; I discovered that I had an aversion to taking risks. We all know that unless you take a risk in life, you won't reach your dreams. Doesn't the old quote go, "No risk, No reward."


I deserved more.


This past year I had a good part time job but was in a completely toxic workplace. The boss was petty, passive aggressive, and stood up for the bad girls. She paired herself up with a co-worker that had the moral capacity of a teaspoon. This combination made the work environment a manipulative nightmare, so I quit. After I quit, my mental, spiritual, and actual physical health got better. I didn't realize the stress and anxiety I was under in that environment. Another realization I had from this work environment, was I was worth more than how I was treated. I deserved more. It was the catalyst to take a risk in a long-time desire; to become a writer.


Another motivation was the people before me who took risks to reach their goal; Elon Musk, Madame Curie, American Patriots in the Revolutionary War, and Eugene Bullard (an amazing WWI Black Pilot whose life is full of risks) all are inspirations. Closer to my life, I had people who took risks to reach their goal. My grandfather opened a bank in the 1950's. He never went to college but had a knack for the banking world and finance. He grew his bank and by the time he sold it, it was the largest amount paid for a bank that size in the world. Another person I have seen reach for their goals is my daughter's dance studio director. We started out in one of her first parent toddler classes in the back of a baby store. Now, she has a full-blown studio with multiple classrooms, a dozen or so staff, and hundreds of students. Both of these people took risks to follow their dreams, and it is an inspiration. 


Risk upon risk. Once you take a risk, more risks come.


So, I took a big gulp, signed up for a website to educate and market myself. As I learned, I took more risks; building a website, signing up for an online magazine to publish my works, and setting up social media accounts for my writing. Risk upon risk. Once you take a risk, more risks come. I remember how hard it was to push that first button to publish my first piece. I was putting myself out there and it was frightening.


The sweetest moment was when my husband supported me in taking my risk. In my excitement, I spent money on a website and hadn't asked him first. I went to apologize and tell him there was a refund program before 30 days. He said, "This is your dream, then pursue it." It was so definitive and loving at the same time. It was exactly what I needed. Occasionally, you need some cheerleaders in your corner. 


That we are worth taking a risk.


Taking a risk is full of emotions; excitement, anxiety, frustration, and celebration can be felt at the same time. By definition taking a risk means making a choice with an unsure outcome. But anything worth doing involves risk as we have seen in history and the life of those around us. Sometimes we realize that it is worth to take that risk. That we are worth taking a risk. Hopefully, there is a cheerleader in your corner reminding you of that.


"The future belongs to the risk-takers, not the comfort seekers."

-Brian Tracy


Next Week's Blog: Goals

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