Blog 2: Goals of this Blog

Published on 7 March 2025 at 08:09

Photo Credit 150 Best Goals Quotes To Help You Achieve Greatness - Parade


I love the quotes that state the obvious in a way that I haven't thought of before. It's like a little present wrapped up with a bow. When this type of quote is read, your heart goes that's it! These quotes communicate a truth in a simple effective way that grabs your attention. They are proof that use of large vocabulary to make a truth known isn't needed. The most profound truths are communicated with few words. 

An invisible dream is just that, invisible.


The quote by Tony Robbins, "Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible" is one of these quotes. Goals are necessary to move a dream forward. If you do not have them, your dream cannot be made visible. An invisible dream is just that, invisible. Who wants that? In order, for us to move forward with our hopes and dreams we need to set goals.


So, before I move forward with this blog, I wanted to set my goals and paint a picture of what I desire to achieve. 


Content of Blog


The content of this blog is not just about writing. There will be blogs on the topic of writing, but will also include topics that relate to Believe Dream Writing. Last week, I wrote on taking a risk. Next week, I am writing on what I have learned from teaching my daughter Language Arts. Most of what you find on this blog will have a direct correlation to Believe Dream Writing and my journey as a writer. It will be filled with life experiences and lessons. That is the first goal of this blog.


To be Beneficial


One of the goals of this blog is to give beneficial content to the reader. It is a strong desire of mine to have my writing be purposeful, inspirational, and practical for others. I don't want to write just to write. I find that my best pieces happen when I try to write with these characteristics in mind. I believe when I do write with these characteristics in mind, it will be beneficial to the reader.




Another goal is to write a blog post weekly. This consistency shows that I am committed to providing good content in an applicable frequency. By Friday of every week, I will post a blog. I am currently trying to figure out how to set up a notification feature for my blogs. So, keep your eyes peeled.


Teaser at the Bottom


At the bottom of every blog, there will be a teaser for next week's blog. Sometimes it will be clear and sometimes it will make you question what is next. A little intrigue in our lives is not a bad thing. Aspiring to create a little interest for next week's blog, the teasers are there to inform you of what is planned next.


Goals should be simple and direct. These goals will guide my writing for this blog. With clear intentions laid out, it is my genuine hope that this blog will be a planned beneficial practice as you journey throughout your week. 


Next Week's Blog: Learning from my daughter's Language Arts lessons

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